摘要: 快递行业是高附加值的物流产业,与经济发展密切相关。本文从战略角度出发,结合理论和实际,运用定量分析和定性分析相结合的方法,分析了目前经营较为成功的民营快递企业顺丰速运淮安分公司的仓储管理。重点分析顺丰速运淮安分公司在仓储管理中的问题 并通过对这些问题的研究,从仓库设施设备信息化程度,员工知识程度培训责任归咎,成本控制的零库存等方面提出了一些改进对策。
关键词: 快递 顺丰速运 仓储管理
Abstract: Express industry is a high value-added logistics industry, and is closely related to the social and economic development. From the strategic perspective, this paper analysis of the current business more successful private enterprises express Huaian branch warehouse management combining theory and practice.This paper analysis of key express Huaian branch in the storage management problems, and put forward to improve warehouse facilities of information, enhance staff training, increase blame, control cost and other aspects some countermeasures through the research of these problems.
Keywords: Private Courier sf-express Warehouse management