摘要:中国是世界玩具最大生产国和出口国,全球70%的玩具都是中国生产,而中国的玩具大部分来自于广东,那么做为玩具大省的广东来说,在欧洲经济衰退、美国经济疲软兼中东局势不稳等复杂多变的国际形势下, 广东玩具受到的不仅是来自严峻的国际形势的压力,更多的是贸易壁垒对这个行业的考验,本文将通过一系列的数据来分析广东玩具情况,重点阐述的是技术性贸易壁垒对广东玩具的影响以及要如何应对这样的考验。
关键词: 广东,玩具出口,技术性贸易壁垒,出口策略
Abstract:China is the world's largest toy production and exporting country, 70 percent of the world's toys are produced in China, and Chinese toys mostly from Guangdong, as toys big province of Guangdong, in the European economic recession, the U.S. economy. Guangdong toy by the weakness of the unstable situation in the Middle East is complicated and changeable international situation, is not only pressure from the grim international situation, is more a test of trade barriers in this industry, this article will be through a series of data analysis of the Guangdong toy focuses on is the impact of technical barriers to trade in Guangdong toy and how to deal with such a test.
Key Words:Guangdong, Toy exports, Technical barriers to trade and export strategy