摘 要:作为世界上最大的发展中国家和发达国家,中美两国在经贸合作上具有很大的互补性和互利性。近几年,美国对华直接投资和中美贸易随着经济全球化的不断加深得到了迅速而稳定的发展:一方面美国跨国企业对中国的直接投资出现了迅速增长的态势;另一方面,双边经贸合作内容从单一的贸易扩展到经济生活的各个方面。
ABSTRACT:As the world's largest developing and developed countries, there is great complementarity and mutual benefit in Sino-US economic and trade cooperation between the two countries. In recent years, the U.S. direct investment in China and Sino-US trade has been a rapid and stable development with the deepening of economic globalization:the one hand, the U.S. multinational enterprise to China's direct investment had the rapid growth situation; the other hand, the bilateral economic and trade cooperation extended to the various aspects of economic life, content from a single trade.
The United States has become China's most important foreign investor in China and trade partners, plays a very important role in China's economic development. With China's trade surplus to the United States for many years, however, in the continuous improvement of the economic and trade cooperation, China and the United States also appeared in many of the notes of discord, serious impact on bilateral economic and trade development and even penetrated into the political realm. America, in general, foreign direct investment in China to played a significant role in sino-us trade generally, there is a complementary relationship in trade scale between them, to optimize the role in the sino-us trade structure, in terms of trade way has a promoting effect. In the context of global economic integration, the study has important theoretical significance and practical value of U.S. direct investment in China on Sino-US trade, to solve the trade imbalance and the growing number of Sino-US trade frictions.
Keywords:International Direct Investment; Trade surplus; The International Trade; Trade friction between China and US