摘要:在中国国际贸易经济快速发展的当下,全球的经济逐步实现一体化, 现今的国内企业为了顺应经济世界化的大趋势,充分的利用世界经济所提供的各种资源,在国际竞争中成功生存和可持续发展。面对竞争极其激烈的世界经济形势,各个国家之间进行着经济利益博弈,都想为自己国家获取更多的利益,因此为了国家贸易利益得到保护,反倾销就成为了一项重要政策手段常常出现。中国企业在国外销售中不断遭遇东道国反倾销调查、诉讼并以败诉告终,自加入世贸组织后这一情况更加突出,甚至是有一部分大型企业具有相对突出的优势、良好的发展情况、较强的综合实力也不能够避免,屡屡受挫。本文以长虹电器有限公司为研究对象,在各国对中国彩电进行反倾销申诉的严峻形势下,追查反倾销措施频频出现背后的深层原因以及思考长虹反倾销案件的败诉,针对存在的问题提出对应的具体应对方法。全文要描述长虹作为中国家电企业的领跑者,应在汲取前行者的成功经验基础上,规划并实施全球化的经营战略,在创新技术、市场营销、品牌形象管理以及预警机制等方面创造出竞争优势,提升企业的综合竞争力。希望对其他国内企业在海外市场做到良好的持续经营有一定的启发作用。
关键词: 长虹家电 反倾销 经营问题 竞争策略
Abstract:Under the background of global economic integration and international rapid economic development in China .How to comply with the tide of economic globalism or make full use of all kinds of resources that the world economy provided, survive and develop in the international competition is an important subject in today. Facing the current serious global economy trend, anti-dumping as a national important means of trade protection policy often appears in the process of the economic interests of the game between countries .The situation is more obvious that Chinese companies constantly encounters anti-dumping litigation in foreign countries and loses .Even some relative advantage prominent and large enterprise development in good condition also frustrated. Based on the background of foreign color TV anti-dumping cases in China .Chang Hong electric appliance co., LTD., for example, it reflects that Chang Hong losing and the profound reasons behind the frequent anti-dumping measures and aims at these reasons put forward specific ideas and measures to deal with. Chang Hong as representative of the Chinese electrical appliances enterprise’s management strategy should be established global operations. Improve the international competitiveness of the enterprise in the core technology, marketing, brand management and service to create competitive advantage. I hope that other domestic enterprises international competition strategy has been instructed.
Key words: Chang Hong co., LTD. Anti-dumping management issues competitive strategy.