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  • 更新时间:2014-08-13
  • 论文字数:12151
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关键词:宝洁 多品牌营销 品牌定位 品牌传播


Abstract:Some Chinese enterprises have been using the multi-brand marketing strategy, but these enterprises were short-lived. However, some foreign enterprises achieved success by using multi-brand marketing strategy. In order to find the reason, this article generalizes the present situation of Procter & Gamble using the multi-brand marketing strategy, and analyzes the multi- brand marketing mode respectively from product innovation, brand positioning, brand naming, pricing strategies, dissemination of advertising and brand management system. Summarizes some available experience to draw on Chinese enterprises, noted that if Chinese enterprises want to use a multi-brand marketing strategy, the focus is to promote brand development by product innovation, to create distinctive positioning, to plan appropriate brand name, to develop novel brand dissemination, and to establish a perfect brand management system.

Key words: Procter&Gamble multi-brand marketing  brand positioning brand dissemination