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  • 更新时间:2014-08-13
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关键字:市场定位 促销 营销策略 


Abstract:In recent years, there is a rapid growth of Chinese gum market, different style of products have a variety of features and fierce competition. Chewing gum product consumption continued to rise in recent years, people tend to pursue health, xylitol gum began to develop. Wrigley's sugar-free gum is sugarless gum largest Chinese consumer brands, through the analysis, the benefits of the product to the young consumer groups, using the "fashion" and "health" as the "taste" and "feelings", supplemented by market positioning in a very successful sales promotion strategies, the use of PR and advertising combine the use of creative advertising publicity, organizing a large number of charitable activities, successful promotional product visibility. Meanwhile, the lack of discussion of the scope of its advocacy and public service activities in the text, and gives recommendations.  

Key words:Market positioning  promotional  marketing strategy