摘 要:实验是学习物理的必修课程,对于学习物理这门学科的大学生来说,是一个很重要的环节,不仅能培养学生实践操作能力,还能培养学生研究科学的素质。而实验数据的处理是必不可少的。本校学生一直以来处理数据都基于用计算器手工计算,由于数据较繁琐,即使采用Excel等软件辅助处理数据,效率也不高。针对这一情况,依据大学物理实验数据处理方法,运用Matlab语言编程来处理自由落体运动实验、单摆实验的数据,将大学物理实验数据的处理与Matlab语言结合,实现实验数据与图像的无缝结合,避免了作图纸上人工拟合曲线的主观随意性,提高了实验效率和精度。
ABSTRACT:The experiment is to study a physical required course, for the university students of this academics, it is a very important link. It can not only train a student to practice operation capability, but also can train the character of science. But the transaction of experiment data is an essential to have. Student in our school always handle data by the ways of computing with the calculator. But the data is more tedious, so even if adoption Excel etc. software assistance handling data, the efficiency is not high either. This text aims at. According to the data handling method of the university physics experiment, making use of Matlab language plait distance to handle freedom data of falling body running experiment, and simple pendulum experiment, combine university physics experiment data of transaction and Matlab language to carry out to test a data and ICON of no slot combining. It can avoid the subjective will of match curve on the chart paper and raise experiment efficiency and accuracy.
Keywords: mechanics experiment;Matlab language;data processing