关键词:和谐 班级管理 管理理念
Abstract:The class management is a special kind of management. It has the education attribute. Class management concept can be properly reflecting this education characteristic. It’s concept of content includes: the management of class educators to individual management educators with a philosophy to guide. The class management will greatly enhance the management effect. So as to achieve the purpose of effort. The influence of students' behavior depends on individual and environment orientation of the fusion of two factors. We should consider the students’ development as the core of classroom management concept. Also consider the living environment for students to learn the scientific education orientation as class management concept soul. Its significance is particularly far-reaching.
Keywords: Harmonious Class management Management concepts
班级管理是一项艰苦而耐心的工作,这需要教育者真心的去对待。我始终坚信,“一份耕耘,就有一份收获”。 要能正确运用班级管理理念,以学生为本是至关重要的。教育者必须有情感化的思想交流,营造出一种氛围,使学生的性情愉快的流露。班主任应常常将自己的思维降格到和学生同等地位进行换位思考,这样得出的结论和采取的措施往往使学生乐于接受,便于实施。只有这种情感化的“理念”,才可以营造出一个自律和谐、有凝聚力的“家”──班级!