[摘要] 余华用一种返璞归真的明快和纯净赋予了许三观这个人物的平凡性,但却用接踵而至的苦难让这个平凡的男人用一身的血液去面对越来越困难的人生,一次次的卖血让这个男人撑起了整个家。许三观作为一个泛泛之辈,承受着命运带给他的强大的苦难,即使是卖光了一身的血液也绝不低头,他奉献着自己的鲜血,把卖血当作渡过生活难关的法宝。这个处于社会底层的平凡人物用自己不平凡的血液写出了一首生命的赞歌。
[关键词] 许三观 卖血 人际关系 平凡
[Abstract] Yu Hua to give a crisp and clean with a return to XU Sanguan the character of the ordinary, but one suffering after another so that one's blood to the face of an increasingly difficult life of this extraordinary man, again and again sold blood for this man to hold up the whole family. XU Sanguan as a pushovers, under the suffering the fate of his powerful, even sold out the blood of a never bow to his dedication with their own blood,to sell blood as to tide over the difficulties of life magic.In the bottom of society,ordinary people with extraodinary blood to write a hymn of life.
[Keywords] Xu Sanguan sell blood relationships ordinary