Abstract: Sun Wukong has always been the "runs through the center of journey to the west" in the figures, is our hero. In our impression, Sun Wukong has been in the pursuit of freedom, for equality, for their mission to continue to work hard. At the same time he dare and the ruling class struggle, positive and optimistic attitude and bold and crafty wisdom can affect our generations. However, with the research findings, it is not difficult to see, is pressed five hundred years later Sun Wukong had a lot of changes, such as: who is, take the enemy for friend and so on. Sun Wukong's ideological significance and social exactly how the existence of a relationship?
Key words: Journey to the West; Sun Wukong; character; ideological significance.
在中国人的心目中,一直住着一个英雄。他勇敢坚强、锄强扶弱、乐观向上,他便是《西游记》中唐僧的大徒儿——孙悟空。在我们印象中,孙悟空一生都在追求自由、渴望平等。为了实现自己的人生价值,他一直在努力奋斗着。他敢于和统治阶级作斗争,那七十二般变化以及有勇有谋的智慧是我们儿时最向往的梦。然而,随着年纪的增长,见识的加深,仔细推敲《西游记》里的种种因果循环,不难发现,孙悟空似乎还有不一样的一面,如:不辨是非、认敌为友等等。 孙悟空的人物形象又与当时的社会有着怎样的紧密联系?