关键词:刘禹锡; 李商隐; 咏史怀古诗; 思想内容; 艺术手法
Abstract: Liu Yuxi and yin is an outstanding poet in the Tang, two per person is good at History -Nostalgia Poems in writing, hoping, by history, allegory reality, accused of ills, to express their own political ambitions, the paper by Liu Yuxi and Poems in the history of yin Yong comparison Praising the History of Poems in two in the ideological content and artistic differences, The same aspects of the ideological content and satire from the underappreciated aspects of the political affairs of the two write, Liu Yuxi focused mainly discusses different aspects of nostalgia, history and their Wing-yin focus on very different emotional tone; art practices from the above contrast, their implicit borrowed to write the same point, the contribution from the poetic imagery of choice and write their differences, highlighting the Seven-Yong Liu Yuxi on the history of innovation and Qilu yin Yong history of innovation and nostalgia highlights Yong Liu's grand epic, and yin and sorrow were carefully open, and further explore the two poets in Tang's position.
Key words: LiuYuxi; LiShangyin; History-Nostalgia Poems; Thought; means of artistic expression