关键词:乡村治理 外出务工人员 作用
Abstract:With the development of industrialization, urbanization, large-scale urban mobility of rural surplus labor, made China facing the common problems of the nation a industrial growth stage. The problem is particularly important when our country is in the transition of economies. Transferring of rural labor is accompanied by the rural reform and urbanization process will continue to promote the emergence of a economic and social phenomena. Do a good job in this one, is the transfer of rural labor to non-agricultural industries and towns, increasing farmers' incomes, is the effective way of peasant living standards, but also to build a new socialist countryside and the inevitable requirement of the modernization of agriculture. However, in this context, what is the role of migrant workers to administrate their home? In this article, the author based on the town of Xingfeng rural governance in Dafeng city, Jiangsu Province, migrant workers in the survey data and the large amounts of data, the shallow to explore and study the role of migrant workers in rural governance.
Keywords :rural governance migrant workers effect