关键词:大学生; 志愿者; 激励;
Abstract: A college student volunteer is an essential part of the youth volunteers in China. Fully mobilizing the enthusiasm of the college students to take part in the volunteer service activities is an important way to play the role of volunteer activities. However there are still many problems in the incentive mechanism for the current college students participating in volunteer service activities. Thus we should combine the intrinsic motivation with the extrinsic motivation, so as to improving the university volunteer service incentive mechanism model.
Key Words: Academician; Volunteer; Impel;
志愿精神是一种自愿的、不为报酬和收入而参与推动人类发展、促进社会进步和完善社会工作的精神,它应是一种积极向上的、理性的、可持续的服务社会与成就自我相统一的精神。[苏红.基于大学生志愿者服务动机的激励机制研究[J].出国与就业(就业版). 2010(14)]所以,校园内广大学生对志愿精神的理解和认同程度的高低,直接影响到全校志愿者文化氛围的好与坏,甚至深刻的影响到本校志愿服务工作能否健康持续的发展下去。