关键词: “贫二代” 市场经济 社会保障 教育公平 公平竞争
Abstract: In this paper, a lot of literature, and network material "poor second" Status, Causes and Solutions Strategy. Concerned about the "poor second" status, analysis of its causes and to identify potential problems of society and government is imminent. Only by breaking the pattern of unreasonable monopoly on power and resource monopolies and further improve the market economic system, accelerate the building of democracy and the legal system, a sound social security system, to promote educational equity, we can weaken the impact of family social capital disadvantage a congenital defect of the poorer classes and survival risk , try to equal the initial conditions of competition and fair opportunity to compete for the development of the poor, promoting class mobility, to achieve the harmonious development of society. Based on the conclusions on the phenomenon of the "poor second to resolve policy recommendations.
Keywords: "Poor second"; Market economy; social security; education fair; fair competition