摘 要:改革开放以来,我国开始加强基层政权建设,推动民主参与和促进社会的整合,实现居民自治。居民作为社区的主人翁,社区建设的参与者,其地位和作用显而易见。然而,在我国社区建设起步较晚的情况下,怎样发挥居民在社区建设中的作用已成为学界探究的重要问题。
关键词:社区 社区建设 居民参与
ABSTRACT:Since the reforming and opening up,our country has begun to strengthen the building of grass-roots political power, to promote the democratic participation and social integration, to achieve the residents' self-development in the major cities. Residents as owners in the community, as well as participants in the community building, its position and role are obvious. However, because community building started late in China, how to play the role of residents in community building has become an important issue of academic studies.
This paper mainly studies the residents participate in community building status and existing problems. Selecting the ongoing community participating in the operation pilot X community and the Y community that rely on the resources of colleges university resources ,through a combination methods of interviews and literature research, the paper get a comprehensive understanding of residents participate in willingness, participate in the pathway, participatory approach, participate in the field and participate in extent and other content, Accordingly the paper analyzes the participation of residents existing problems and reasons .And analysis of the foreign community management and the residents participate in situation, refer to the community building in our country related laws and documents, proposed suits our country community development Suggestions and countermeasures, so as to provide some valuable reference for community building.
Key words: The Community; The Community Construction; Resident Participation