摘 要:在不断发展的现代社会,人们的思想道德的培养显得尤为重要,特别是青少年,因此我们国家在初中阶段设置了思想品德的课程,初中思想品德课程在整个课程体系中占有着十分重要的作用。我们的思想品德课堂的核心理念就是以学生的发展为主体,推动公民素质的提升。但是,在我们目前的思想品德的课堂上还不能够完全体现这一理念,因为我们的初中思想品德课堂的实效性还有待提高。因此,我将会在文章中对初中思想品德课堂现状、初中思想品德课实效性不强的原因以及如何增强初中思想品德课堂的实效性三个方面进行阐述分析。
Abstract: the development of modern society, people's ideological and moral cultivation is particularly important, especially teenagers, so our country set up the ideological and moral course in junior middle school stage, junior middle school thought moral character class in the whole course system plays a very important role. The thought personal character class in our core idea is to the development of students as the main body, improving the quality of the citizens. But in our current thought personal character class is not able to fully reflect the idea, because the effect of our junior middle school thought moral character class needs to be improved. As a result, I will be in the article about the present situation of junior middle school thought moral character class, the reason of junior middle school thought moral effectiveness is not strong, and how to enhance the effect of junior middle school thought moral character class paper expounds three aspects analysis.
Key words: junior middle school, politics lesson, effectiveness