摘要:艺术歌曲,区别于歌剧和民歌的一种音乐体裁,是19世纪,舒曼,舒伯特等的创作,具体说来是指音乐与诗歌的完美结合。 通过学习《美丽的草原我的家》和《鼓浪屿之波》学会用科学的发声方法.用歌声和语言相结合的方式来表达思想感情.用正确的呼吸方法,是声乐演唱过程中能否取得成效的极为关键的环节。歌声离不开气息的支持,字正腔圆。注意歌唱语言的准确,吐字咬字要清晰。
ABSTRACT:Art songs, the difference between an opera of folk songs and a music genre, and is the 19 th century, schumann, schubert, creative, and more specifically refers to the perfect combination of music and poetry. Through the study of the beautiful grassland is my homeland \"and\" waves of gulandyu island \"learn to use science vocalizations. Used song and the way of the combination of gulandyu island \"learn to use science vocalizations. Used song and the way of the combination of the language to express feelings. Use the correct breath method, is in the process of vocal music can get effective very important link. Without the support of the song breath, clear pronunciation. Pay attention to the accurate singing language,there to clear articulation
Keywords: Art songs; Breathing; Emotional; Imagine; Control