ABSTRACT:Born in 1933, the world's first transmitter. Armstrong American inventor invented the short wave radio (FM). In the United States in 1939, the inventor of the FM transmitter Armstrong founded the first FM radio station of radiation. FM transmitter technology rapid development, has been applied in all walks of life, especially for small power FM transmitter used more widely 。
Along with our country economy high speed development, also along with the continuous improvement of the people's standard of living, therefore, group of Lord cultural life also gradually improve, Everywhere across the country, at present, television were added to broadcast a cycle and air time. Even some television also appear uninterrupted broadcast 24 hours a day. These will no doubt make people's cultural life and spiritual life in abundance, Based on BH1417 FM transmitter, therefore, can be as a small radio station, it can be computer sound card, video games, CDS and DVDS, MP: 3, mixer, such as stereo audio signals for stereo modulation transmission, microphone amplifier circuit board also contains 2 road, with ordinary FM stereo receiver can achieve high-fidelity wireless FM stereo transfer. Suitable for use in a production stereo wireless speakers, wireless microphone, wireless headphones, CD, MP3, DVD, PAI), wireless audio adapter development and production of notebook computer etc.
Key words: Launch;voice; FM