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  • 更新时间:2013-12-02
  • 论文字数:15641
  • 当前位置论文阅览室 > 毕业设计 > 电气工程 >
  • 课题来源:(莉雅)提供原创文章




关键词:搬运机械手;机械;自动化; 运动机理;控制系统


Abstract:In today's mass manufacturing, the enterprise to improve production efficiency and ensure product quality, universal attention production process automation degree, industrial robots as an important member of automatic production line, gradually by enterprise is approved and adopted. Industrial robot technology level and application degree to a certain extent reflects a country industrial automation level. In the past twenty years, the robot technology is developing very rapidly, and the various use robots in various fields can be used widely. Our country in the research and application of robots and industrialized countries, there is still a gap compared, therefore, the research and design of various use robots especially industrial robots, promote the application of the manipulator is is of practical significance.

   This paper studied the present situation of the development of domestic and foreign manipulator, learning through the working principle of the robot, familiar with the movement of the manipulator handling mechanism. On this basis, according to the production requirements, design a small industrial carrying manipulator, determine the basic system structure of the manipulator handling of carrying manipulator of the motion simple mechanical model analysis, the completion of the manipulator machinery design (including the transmission part, executive part, driving part) and the system of control system design.

Keywords: carrying manipulator; Machinery; Automation; Movement mechanism; Control system