Abstract:The speech recognition is a cross-discipline, and is gradually becoming the key-technology of human-machine interation in information technology. Transmission of information through the voice of humanity’s most important, most effective,most popular and most convenient form of exchange of information. This paper presents the speaker-dependent continuous speech recognition of telephone numbers. This system is based on SAM-SAZR(Short-time Average Magnitude and Short-time Average Zero-crossing Rate). The system adopts Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficient (MFCC), which considers fully sense of hearing characteristic, as voice signal eigenvector. The discrete hidden markov model(HMM)is adopted to train and recognize the speech signal. Experiments are done to validate the telephone voice recognition simulation, on-site to identify 100 groups of random numbers, which identify all right with 22 groups. Through the 10 Numbers 0~9 were statistics, minimum recognition rate is 72.84%.
Key words:Voice Signal, Endpoint detection, MFCC,HMM