ABSTRACT:To ensure the normal work of electric power system and power quality the Safe operation of generator plays a decisive role. at the same time, generator itself is very expensive electrical equipment. therefore, should be based on different kinds of fault and abnormal working state, installation of relay protection device performance improvement.
Power is fault operation of the state are: the stator winding phase short circuit , stator phase winding interturn short ,the stator winding single-phase grounding,rotor one point grounding or two-point grounding ,the rotor excitation circuit of excitation current disappeared.
Power is not the normal operation of the state are:because the stator winding of external short circuit current,because the three-phase symmetrical load exceeds the rated capacity generator caused by overload,generator negative sequence current caused by external asymmetrical short-circuit or unbalanced load current, the stator winding overvoltage caused by due to the sudden load rejection,The rotor winding caused by overload Because the excitation circuit fault or strong excitation time,generator reverse power caused by Because the steam turbine suddenly shut down etc.
Hydraulic turbine is the most important power equipment in power plants,electrical components are the most precious.In order to ensure that the turbine safety, stable, efficient operation of power system and ensure the normal work and the quality of electric energy.according to the different roles of the different capacity of hydroelectric generating set and played in the power system, it needs to protect configuration of hydroelectric generating set corresponding different.In this paper, starting from the electrical protection mechanical protection and generator turbine aspects,talking about the configuration and characteristics of hydraulic turbine protection.But no matter how configuration,Must ensure the protection of economic reasonable, reliable action and fault of hydrogenerator unit suffered minimal damage.
Luo Kou power plant is the use of integrated automation EDCS series device in electric power system of Chongqing new century electrical company,this paper studies the development of domestic small generator microcomputer protection current and new achievements,from the operation experience of microcomputer protection device adopts since Luo Gu 1# power plant put into operation,the overall technical scheme of Luo Kou power plant generator microcomputer protection device is proposed.
Keywords:Luo Kou power plant; generator protection ;differential protection ;Setting calculation