关键词 单片机;温度采集;液晶显示
Abstract:The fire alarm and fire fighting system is a powerful tool for early detection of the notification of fire, and promptly take effective measures to control and extinguish fires set in the building or other place of an automatic fire-fighting facility, to fight with fire. Fire alarm and fire protection system on modern architecture plays a vital security role, and can effectively prevent and reduce fire hazards, solve the problem of fire alarm to protect the personal safety and property security of practical significance.
This article described the AT89S52 Microcontroller-based fire alarm and fire protection system hardware architecture and the hardware and software design methods. System for the control of the microcontroller AT89S52, and through the DS18B20 temperature acquisition by the MQ-2 smoke detectors, but also with communication and alarm functions, and through the relay output analog fire linkage system, but also has safe evacuation indicator. This system is easy to read, intuitive display, functional diversity, simple circuit, low cost and many other advantages, has broad market prospects.
Keywords MCU Temperature Acquisition LCD