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  • 课题来源:(陈老师)提供原创文章


摘要:我国是一个农业大国, 农作物秸秆资源十分丰富, 稻草、小麦秸和玉米秸为三大农作物秸秆。据统计, 我国秸秆产量近7亿吨/年,而大部分秸秆都用来燃烧或加个成动物饲料。加快推进农作物秸秆综合利用, 是节约利用资源、防止环境污染、促进结构调整、增加农民收人的重要途径, 也是发展农村循环经济, 全面完成中央政府确定的节能减排目标任务的重要举措, 对进一步提高资源利用率, 实现农业和农村经济又好又快发展具有十分重要的意义。随着化肥的使用越来越多,土壤已经大量的板结,农作物大量减产,利用农作物秸秆发酵成有机肥料不仅可以减少化肥的使用,还可以增加农作物产量,减少环境污染,带来经济和生态效益。秸秆腐解剂富含高效微生物菌,其作用是促进秸秆快速腐解。为解决全量秸秆机还田遇到的秸秆量大, 还田腐解缓慢, 导致出现整地、出苗、栽秧难及秧苗生长易受缺氮、还原物质的影响而黄苗、易倒伏等新问题, 我们欲利用秸秆腐解剂来解决上述问题, 以保证和促进稻、麦稳产、高产及秸秆全量还田。

关键词:农作物秸秆 腐熟剂 环保


Abstract:China is a large agricultural country, crop straw resources is very rich, straw, wheat straw and corn stalks into three straws。According to statistics, China's output of nearly 700 million tons of straw a year, while most of the straw are used to burn or add a into animal feed. Accelerate the application of crop stalk, is economical use of resources, prevent pollution, promote structural adjustment, increasing farmers income important way the development of circular economy in rural areas, the central government to complete a comprehensive emission reduction targets and tasks set an important measure of To further improve resource utilization and achieve sound and rapid agricultural and rural economic development is of great significance. With the increasing use of fertilizers, the soil has a lot of compaction, cut a large number of crops, using crop straw fermented into organic fertilizer not only reduces the use of chemical fertilizers can also increase crop yield, reduce environmental pollution and bring economic and ecological benefits . Rich in straw decomposition and efficient microbial agent, whose role is to promote the rapid decomposition of straw. In order to solve the whole amount of straw machine large straw to field experience, but also field decomposition is slow, resulting in land preparation, seedling emergence, seedling growth sowing songs difficult and vulnerable to nitrogen deficiency, the effect of reducing substances Huang Miao, Yi lodging and other new issues We want to use straw decomposing agent to solve the above problem, in order to ensure and promote the rice and wheat yield, yield, and the whole amount of straw to field.

