Abstract:Printing and dyeing wastewater is one of the most important domestic industrial pollution sources, because the water contains large amounts of refractory organic matter, is the difficulty of industrial pollution control. The physicochemical and biological treatment process treatment, the water still contains a high concentration of refractory organic matter, so that excessive CODcr and color.
The graduation project includes the following: the basic conditions of dyeing wastewater, including printing and dyeing wastewater sources, production, hazards, and a variety of common approach; describes the basic properties of ozone and the basic principles of dyeing wastewater. Experimental research component, the main job of the three basic experiments using methods such as analysis of the catalytic ozone treatment of factors. Experimental results show: pH, temperature, catalyst amount and a series of factors on treatment effect are more obvious effects.
Keywords: printing and dyeing wastewater, catalysis, CODcr, pH, temperature