本系统基于Android系统,由于Android系统在智能手机和平板电脑上的应用已经普及,因此,利用Java语言、Android软件编程技术开发了课堂教学系统。系统实现了删除用户、添加用户、查看课程信息、发布通知、查看视屏资源等信息。另外,本系统前台应用SQLite轻量级数据库管理应用信息,后台采用SQL Server 2005数据库管理应用信息。该系统实现了在Android系统上多身份登录、不同身份具有不同管理权限的功能。
关键词 Android;平板;无纸化;Java;课堂教学
Abstract:Android operating system has been widely used in the current mobile application domain. At first, the application of Android mainly reflects on smart phones. However nowadays, Android system is also being favored and admired in tablet computer and other portable electronic equipment and being rapidly popularized due to its being developed based on Linux and it used Java language as its official programming language. Android phones and and tablet computers is not only light and easy to carry, with mall power consumption and all the features of a computer, but also breaked the traditional “blackboard and chalk” classroom teaching mode in addition which could save time, make classroom become more clean and improve the quality of classroom teaching. This system is based on Android system. Java language and Android software programming skills are chosen in developing the system as Android system is widely applied in smart phones and tablet computers. The system implemented deleting users, add users, search information of courses, reporting notices, searching video resources and so on. In addition, the SQLite lightweight database is used in the front desk of the system to manage application information while SQL Server2005 is used in background. This system has realized the function of login with different identities with different administrative privilege in Android system. Related key problems has been researched and analyzed during the process of of development of this system. The use of above such technology is feasible through practical operation.
Keywords Android Flat Paperless Classroom teaching