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   本文主要论述了《Java程序设计》课程网站的设计过程,首先,对课程网站开发的背景、意义进行了探讨,其次,对设计过程中使用到的技术进行了简单地介绍,然后,对系统进行了可行性分析和功能需求分析,得出系统的功能模块图。根据功能模块图,对系统的总体框架和数据库进行了详细设计。采用Web技术和B/S软件架构体系,以Dreamweaver CS4为开发平台,使用SQL Server作为后台数据库,以 ASP为开发技术,同时结合VBScript、JavaScript等多种开发语言,采用Fireworks、Css样式美化页面,实现了浏览课件、在线留言、资源的上传和下载等功能。最后,通过测试分析,该网站运行稳定可靠。

关键词:课程网站;Java程序设计;ASP;Dreamweaver CS4


Abstract:With the development of Internet technology, the traditional classroom teaching modecan not meet the students to learn the needs of the new knowledge. The Internet is a q-uick access, publish, and an important channel for transmission of information, it plays  an important role in people's daily life, the network teaching will become a new trend inthe development of education, it has autonomy, sharing, interactivity features. The coursewebsite is the main platform of network teaching, it appears to rely on the guidance andnavigation strategies of teaching software allows students to learning and self-evaluation and feedback information to control the learning process, so as to improve students' self-learning ability. Therefore, the development of a fully functional course website, sharing of teaching resources for teachers and students to provide an online platform for the exchange, has a very important practical significance.

   This article discusses the design process of the Java programming course website, First of all, the course website development background, significance is discussed, and secondly, the technology used in the design process simply, then, the systema feasibility analysis and functional requirements analysis, functional block diagram of the draw system. According to the functional block diagram of the overall framework of the system and database designed in detail. Web technology and B / S software architecture system, Dreamweaver CS4 development platform, using SQL Server as the back-end database, ASP development technology, combined with VBScript, JavaScript and other variety of development languages​​, Fireworks, CSS style landscaping page Browse courseware, Feedback, resource upload and download function. Finally, tested, stable and reliable operation of the site. 

Keywords: Course website; Java programming; ASP; Dreamweaver CS4