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4D影院上位软件设计 VC++.doc

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  • 更新时间:2014-04-13
  • 论文字数:6487
  • 当前位置论文阅览室 > 毕业设计 > 信息与计算科学 >
  • 课题来源:(白色球鞋)提供原创文章


摘要: 当今的时代,电影已经是人们生活中不可或缺的一部分,3D电影不再陌生,4D电影也初露头角。4D电影的实现,软件控制尤为重要,在影片放映过程中,临场感的效果与电影进程的同步非常关键,这要求上位软件高效准确的控制能力,对此,软件设计的重要性就不言而喻了。本文首先介绍VC++开发环境及程序设计基础,主要研究基于VC++的软件设计,通过设计的控制软件来控制座位并实现4D功能。控制软件可控制第三方播放器的基本功能,加载控制文件,并在电影播放的同时发出同步命令控制座位的动作,完成4D电影的播放。

关键词:4D电影; 软件设计; VC++


Abstract: Today's era, the film had already is an integral part of people's life, 3 D movie no longer strange, 4 D movie also budding. The realization of 4 D movie, software particularly important control, in the film showing process, the effect and the film process telepresence synchronous very key, this requires superior software accurate and efficient control ability, to this, the importance of the software design is self-evident.This article first introduced the VC + + development environment and program design basis, mainly based on the VC + + software design, through the design of the control software to control the seat and the realization of 4D function. The control software can control the third player 's basic function, load control file, and in the film playing at the same time a synchronization command control seat movements, complete the 4D movie.

keywords: 4D move; software design; VC++