摘 要:Pro/ENGINEER软件是PTC公司基于单一数据库、参数化、特征、全相关及工程数据再利用等概念的基础上开发出的一个功能强大的CAD/CAE/CAM软件,它能将产品从设计到生产加工的过程集成在一起,让所有用户同时进行同一个产品的设计与制造工作。
设计的过程大致为:选择自行车 → 拆卸自行车 →测绘零件 →三维实体建模 → 装配设计 → 示教动画制作 → 模拟运动仿真。
ABSTRACT:Pro/ENGINEER software is a powerful CAD/CAE/CAM software. It is developed by PTC Company based on the concept of single database, parametric, feature, total correlation, engineering data reuse and so on. It can make the product from design to production processes are integrated together, let all users design and manufacturing a product simultaneously.
Bicycle is a human invention of one of the most successful human machinery, is a complex machinery composed of many simple machines.
Based on the extensive use of bicycles and its significant place in modern social life, this design use Pro/ENGINEER as drawing software on a bicycle for three-dimensional modeling, assembly simulation and motion simulation, so the internal structure of bicycle and its, assembling process as well as the movement pattern can be clearly displayed.
The first chapter of this paper describes the development status and future development trend, research purpose and significance of simulation assembly and motion simulation; the second chapter introduces the modeling method of main parts of the bicycle rear wheel; the third chapter introduces the assembly design concept as well as the assembly method of the body portion; the fourth chapter introduces the production process of assembly animation; the fifth chapter introduces the production process of motion simulation; the sixth chapter is a summary of the design.
In the design process is roughly as follows: choose a bicycle → disassembly bicycle → surveying and mapping parts →3-D solid modeling → assembly design→ teaching animation → analog motion simulation.
Key words: Pro/ENGINEER; bicycle; assembly simulation; motion simulation; teaching animation