关键词 给水系统;消防系统;排水系统;热水系统
Abstract:The graduation design for Jinan Donghu area a 13 layer complex building water design. Building covers an area of 9963.5㎡, building highly 45.3meters, underground, the earth 13 layer.
This design for indoor and basement for water and wastewater design, the main design content including design content including indoor water supply system, fire control system, drainage system, roof rainwater drainage system and basement water and fire control system. Water is divided into districts according to the requirements set tank roof; Fire not division; Drainage system waste and polluted; Using common external drainage rainwater drainage system; Hot water is not without water tank by local zoning, heat heating. Through the design and calculation, the design of each system required water pump, the selection of pipe. Through the design calculation mapped each plan, system diagram.
Keywords Water supply system Hot water system Fire fighting system Drainage system