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  • 更新时间:2014-05-12
  • 论文字数:26151
  • 当前位置论文阅览室 > 毕业设计 > 施工组织设计 >
  • 课题来源:(julu1004)提供原创文章


摘 要:本论文主要对上海大学图书馆空调系统进行了设计。该大楼为六层建筑物,带有地下室,地下室不设空调系统,制冷机房设在地下室。根据设计任务的安排,首先计算整个大楼的所有冷负荷值,并得知最大冷负荷出现在17:00时,其值为403903W,加上新风负荷589658W,同时再考虑附加冷负荷,选择制冷机三台,型号为RTWD110,三台制冷机的制冷量均为383.2KW。根据计算出来的每个房间的送风量和冷量选择新风机组和风机盘管。其次对风管和水管进行水力计算,确定风管的规格和水管的管径。再对机房进行了详细布置,并选择冷却塔、膨胀水箱、冷却水泵、冷冻水泵型号。为了保温和防止噪音,设计过程中还考虑了风管、水管的保温及所有管路的消声减振。



Abstract:This work is an air conditioning system design about library of Shanghai university, the six-story building with a basement, the basement without air-conditioning. Moreover, Refrigeration room located in the basement floor.According to the design, calculation of all building cooling load firstly, knowing that the greatest cooling load there is at 17: 00, and its value is 403903W. Adding a fresh air load 589658W while considering additional cooling load, choice of three Refrigerators, model RTWD110, the cooling capacity of the three refrigerators are 383.2 KW. In order to choose new air unit and fan-coil, calculation of the air volume of each room. Next calculated the hydraulic of wind and water pipes to determine the format of dust and the diameter of pipe. After checking for balance calculation,give the room for a detailed layout, and choose the type of cooling tower, expansion tank, coolant pump and the frozen pump. To avoid noise, the design process also considered the thermal insulation materials of dust, pipe and the noise abatement and vibration reduction of all pipe. 

Key words: Fan-Coil;air conditioning system;design