关键词:PLC 智能交通灯控制系统 组态王 地感线圈
ABSTRACT:crossroads of traffic is the city transportation hub, a good traffic environment can promote the development of city economy. Aiming at the crossroads of traffic problems, such as the passage of time is unreasonable, traffic problems of emergency vehicles. This paper designs a set of control by PLC, composed of the intelligent traffic light control system, kingview. This system uses the induction coil to the vehicle detention were collected, and then transmits the gathered data to PLC, PLC was used to analyze the data, automatically adjust the direction of the passage time. To change the running time allocation unreasonable phenomenon. In each direction, Each direction using two one-segment LED display on the passage of time to do the countdown. In this traffic light control system. The traffic light control system, also considering the special vehicles, vehicle traffic peak problem. According to formulate programs corresponding actual traffic situation. The traffic light control system more perfect.
After three months of graduation project, the hardware design completed a PLC extension module selection, Expansion module selection, design of traffic flow detection system. In software design, completed the design of normal traffic time series, special vehicles design scheme, design the peak traffic scheme design and configuration demo pictures.
Keywords: PLC; intelligent traffic light control system; Kingview; induction coil