ABSTRACT:Fashion market is commonly lawnmowers, which not only engines driving need to consume a lot of energy, also can cause environmental pollution, and because the engine driving lawnmowers noise is very big, badly affects people work and study. The design is the design of a DC motor engine-driven environmentally friendly lawnmower.This design innovation is the grass cutting height of regulation, the function of the DC motor engine lawn mower broken grass and putting scalability.Lawnmower threaded holes on both sides of the chassis body design, the tool holder moves up and down the grass cutting height continuously adjustable.Mounting holes in the putter rod stretching.High-speed rotating blade to cut down the broken grass again crushed directly left on the lawn can be avoided down broken grass trouble.The design of environmentally friendly hand push lawn mower functions to better meet the needs of general users.
Keywords: Lawnmowers ; Engine; Hands push type; Environmentally friendly