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摘要:根据设计任务书,该由大庆至铁岭的管线全长516公里,总输量为2500万吨/年,属于中距离输油管道。本设计采用密闭,顺序输送来满足工艺,以首站设计为主。设计时,先由年输量粗选出3个不同管径的钢管,经过经济性的计算后选择出最优方案,最终选用参数为φ864×11.9的钢管。经过热力计算后得出加热站数并进行加热炉选型,初步布置加热站。通过水力计算确定泵站数以及泵的选型,全线设置二个泵站,第一站选用两台ZLM IP530/06串联工作,并配一台作为备用。第二站选用一台KS3000—190,备有一台。之后对管道进行工艺计算(最大及最小允许输量计算、水力、热力越站允许输量计算、允许停输时间计算)。大庆首站设6个50,000方原油罐,以保障管道正常运行。



Abstract: According to the design plan, survey the length of Daqing to Tieling's pipeline is 516 kilometers actually.The total transmission capacity is 2500 tons / year, it belongs to the mid-range oil pipeline. Meet the technological design scheme including airtight transportation and order conveying, The initial station design as the main scheme. According to the Annual throughput,preliminary pick three different diameters of steel tube,through the economy calculation, select the best scheme,finally choose pipe diameter for φ86411.9 steel pipe. After thermodynamic calculation, get the data about heating station ,choose the heating furnace model, and decorate the heating station Simply. Through the hydraulic calculation to determine the number of the pump,choose pump model,the whole line setting two pump stations,the first pump station have two ZLM IP530/06 series work, and one reserved. The second pump station have a KS3000-190, and one reserved.Then to conduit process calculation (Maximum allowable throughput computing and Minimum allowable throughput computing,hydraulic more standing and thermal more standing allowable throughput computing,allow conveying stoppage time calculation). Daqing's initial station have six 50000 tank ,in order to ensure the normal operation of pipeline.

Key words: Oil Pipeline; pump stations; process flow diagram; Intensity verification