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摘要:植树造林,绿化祖国,是我们国家的一项基本国策。植树造林能够美化环境,清除空气污染,使水土得到保持防风固沙,根除风沙灾害,此外,植树造林为人类提供各种有用的物品。截止2008 年,我国森林面积1.95 亿hm2,森林覆盖率达到20.36%,森林资源进入快速发展时期。国家“十二五”规划纲要草案提出了森林覆盖率提高到21.66%,森林蓄积量增加6 亿m3,达到143 亿m3 的目标。江苏省提出到2015 年实现森林覆盖率达到22%的目标,计划新增20 万hm2。南通市“十二五”期间预计完成3.53 万hm2 植树造林任务。





Abstract:Afforestation, afforest motherland, is a fundamental state policy of our country.Planting trees to beautify the environment, clear the air pollution, the soil is maintained in windbreak and sand fixation, eradication of wind sand disaster, in addition, afforestation for mankind to provide a variety of useful articles.As of 2008, China's forest area of 195000000 Hm2, the forest coverage rate reached 20.36%, entered a period of rapid development of forest resources.Artificial afforestation of poor quality, low efficiency, slow speed, large labor intensity; mechanized planting can not only improve work efficiency, reduce labor intensity, but also ensure afforestation quality, reduce production costs, improve economic efficiency, is to represent the general trend.Digging machine is one of the main equipment of afforestation.As "in the strategy of sustainable development and should gift forestry is an important position in zoology construction, should gift forestry is the primacy of" put forward, afforestation upsurge is all-time and rising, the market demand will grow with each passing day digging machine.

   The first chapter introduces the design of the selected topic and its significance, elaborated the present development state of affairs; and then introduces three kinds of different design schemes, finally on three kinds of scheme comparison, determine the final design scheme.The second chapter is the design of the main body portion, including the digging machine the whole structure design, dynamic choice, total transmission design, winding design, gear box design and final bit design.The third chapter briefly explains the design defects and advantages.

Keywords: Digging machine;mechanization;automation;labor productivity;production cost