摘要: 滚圆机产生于20世纪60年代左右,该设计系统在70年代初期逐步用于医药行业,Nakahara在1964年就发明了挤出-滚圆(extrusionspheronization)这一技术,Reynolds和Conine在滚圆机控制系统出世几年后于1970年将此法首先应用于药剂学领域,此后逐步采用滚圆控制进行药丸制造。科学地实践与滚圆机控制系统在应用上的实际状况决定了控制系统制造丸粒较传统的制造方法确实有着无法比拟的优势,以至于在发展中慢慢就替代了传统的人工挫法以及糖衣机泛丸法。
关键词:滚圆机 控制系统 PLC 机械
ABSTRACT:Rounding machine produced in the nineteen sixties, the design system for production of pharmaceutical industry gradually in the early 70's, Nakahara in 1964 invented the extrusion-spheronization (extrusionspheronization) of this technology, Reynolds and Conine in rounding machine control system was born a few years later in 1970, the first application in pharmaceutics, then gradually adopted rounding control pill manufacturing. The actual situation in the application of scientific practice and rounding machine control system determines the control system than the traditional manufacturing method pellets are incomparable advantage, so that in the developing gradually replaced the traditional artificial contusion and sugar-coated machine pill method. This paper mainly introduces what is rounding machine control system, at the same time were explained, from the overall framework design of mechanical parts, including tooth disk, rotating shaft, and the whole structure system. The control part of the design of the PLC how to control the whole system, designed the PLC control ladder diagram, list the program list. In the circuit, designs the circuit connected components.
Keywords: rounding machine;system of control;PLC;machine