关键词:嵌入式Linux; 内核裁剪; 内核移植; 文件系统
Abstract:This paper takes SAMSUNG company ARM9 processor, S3C2440 as the target hardware platform, analyzed the key technology of embedded Linux transplantation, final implementation of embedded Linux system transplantation. This paper mainly completed the following work: analysis of Bootloader; analysis of Linux kernel and study the Linux kernel tailoring technique. The embedded Linux system, hardware platform. Software platform development, Download cross compiler tool chain, configured to host NFS service, build the cross compile environment, transplantation of Bootloader, Linux kernel configuration compiler and transplantation, root file system and transplantation of embedded Linux device driver; research and transplantation. After transplantation of embedded Linux system is running stable, at the end of the relevant work summarized and prospect
Key Words: The embedded Linux; Linux kernel; Linux kernel porting; file system