摘 要:本设计是基于发明问题解决理论(TRIZ理论)的创新设计研究,通过对旋翼转盘系统、旋翼臂架系统、机身骨架系统及电控系统的设计与研究,制作出一个比较完整的新型双轴旋翼航模,使其能自由灵活地实现起落、前进、后退、左右转等功能。
ABSTRACT:The design is based on the theory of inventive problem solving ( TRIZ theory ) innovation design research, through to the rotor disk system, rotor arm frame system, the frame system and electric control system design and research, to create a more complete model double rotor model, which can be freely and flexibly realize landing, forward, backward, turn to the left and other functions.
Which is mainly on the rotor arm rotor system, the turntable system and conventional brushless motor design innovation, realize a biaxial system in model on the part of the application.
This project is mechanics, aerodynamics, theoretical mechanics, materials science, control theory, innovation theory, the integrated use of knowledge. Designed to provide students with a broad space, improving students' operating ability, more important is to cultivate students' innovation consciousness, spirit and creativity to wait for a respect to produce positive effect.
Keywords: Rotor;Skeleton;Model;Control System;Brushless Motor