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摘  要:随着社会经济的发展,信息产业正在成为一个国家的支柱,人类的生产、生活越来越离不开信息。数据作为信息的载体,其管理工具数据库对于信息技术的重要性,正日益受到人们的重视。只有拥有了先进的数据库技术,才能有效地管理好浩如烟海的数据,并从中提取出对自己有用的信息来加以利用。目前社会正处于医疗体制改革方兴未艾的时代,在我国医疗体制制度改革和完善医院管理的要求下,医院将以优质、高效、低耗的模式充分利用现代化的管理手段和工具实现资源配置的最优化。所以,建立医院门诊收费系统是当前医院改革和实现医院现代化的重要手段和途径之一。


   本系统开发采用C#编程语言,以Visual Studio 2005、SQL Server 2000为开发工具,Windows XP作为操作系统而实现。设计实现了药品信息管理、医生信息管理、患者信息管理、收费项目管理、门诊收费管理、综合统计查询、系统用户管理等主要功能。



ABSTRACT:With the development of social economy, the information industry is becoming the pillar of one state and the human production and life are increasingly relying on information. Date as the carrier of information and its administrative tool, database, has the significance meaning to the information technology, which is increasingly attached importance to people. Only by having the advanced database technology can one effectively manage the huge volumes of date and find the useful information. At present, the reform of medical system of hospital is flourishing. Hospital will provide the pattern of fine quality, high efficiency and low consumption to make full use of modern management tools to enforce the optimization of the resource distribution under the requirement of improving hospital administration. Therefore, it is one of the important ways to achieve hospital reformation and modernization that establishing the outpatient charging system.

  Meanwhile, the Outpatient Charging System of a small and medium sized hospital will provide some functions, such as outpatient charging, medicine pricing, prescription inquiring, charges collectable checking, medical workers managing and reports functioning. With this system, it can make hospital staff complete the work efficiently, reduce their workload and shorten the visiting time of patient. 

  Therefore, the development of this system will adopt the C# programming language with Visual Studio 2005, SQL Server 2000 as the development tools and take Windows XP as operating system. There are some major functions in this design, which including the management information of drug, doctors, patients, charges collectable, outpatient payment, comprehensive statistical analysis and system users.

Keywords : outpatient charging management; database; information management