摘要: 加入世贸组织以来,国外实施的技术贸易壁垒成为困扰我国农产品出口的首要障碍。本文通过分析技术壁垒产生的原因,指出技术贸易壁垒是利用科技手段形成的,从国内国外两个方面提出了打破技术壁垒的方法:国内方面,必须依靠科技创新,全面提高农产品质量和检疫检测水平, 完善农业标准化体系和农产品出口信息服务体系。国外方面,必须调整出口布局,瞄准市场,并通过外交手段维护我国正当利益.
关键词: 农产品 技术贸易壁垒 对策
Abstract: Since China entered the WTO, the technical barriers of trade caused by foreign countries become the biggest obstacle of our agricultural exports. This paper analysis the causes of technical barriers and point out this situation is based on technology means.We have to break technical barriers from two aspects.One aspect is that we must rely on technological innovation to improve the quality of agricultural products and the level of quarantine detection, we also need to improve the standardization system of agricultural and information service system of agricultural exports. Another aspect is that we have to adjust the export layout to aim the market and to use diplomatic measures to safeguard our profits.
Keywords:Agricultural products; Technical Barriers to Trade; Strategy