摘要: 电子商务是20世纪后期诞生的新生事物,随着电子商务的推广和应用,物流配送逐渐得到人们的关注。但目前我国的物流配送体系呈现高成本、低效率的特点,这严重制约了我国电子商务的快速发展。
关键词:电子商务 物流配送体系 配送模式
Abstract: E-commerce is a new way in the late 20th century. With the popularization and application of electronic commerce, logistics distribution gradually get the attention of people. But at present, our country logistics distribution system has the feature of high cost, low efficiency, which seriously restrict the rapid development of e-commerce in China.
Based on the analysis of China's e-commerce logistics distribution system under the current situation, and on the basis of the influence factors of construction of logistics distribution under electronic commerce system, this article discusses the problems existing in the logistics distribution system of today, and puts forward the optimization of logistics distribution system of concrete measures and policy recommendations. It provides some temperate and workable solution to think and solve problems in e-commerce environment logistics activities.
Keywords: E-Commerce;logistic delivery system;distribution mode