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Abstract: this major mainly studies wuxi timken multinationals iron, the development situation of internal trade for its internal trade through the development of the impact of in wuxi local is analyzed. Main expanded wuxi area foreign trade, drive economic growth, wuxi area through transfer price damage of wuxi area economic interests, through the internal trade of advanced technology, make a monopoly "exchanging market with technology" the effect is not ideal, go against wuxi area the optimization of the industrial structure adjustment. Through analyzing the internal trade this research development status should introduce the advanced's Ken company iron technology, increased wuxi area enterprise technology research and development input and avoid technology monopoly to wuxi in enterprise, the negative influence of how to strengthen the cooperation with local enterprises, strengthening the iron transfer pricing's Ken company regulatory prevent damage from the economic interests, wuxi policy and market level's timken multinational companies to iron measures to prevent monopoly of wuxi local adversely affect.

Key word: transnational corporations, internal trade, economic impact