摘 要:二十一世纪以来,由于全球经济一体化以及中国改革开放的宏观影响下,越来越多的国内企业无法满足传统的增长模式,他们逐渐开始追求以并购为主的增长模式。企业并购既可以使优秀的公司得到更好的发展,也可以改善处于不良经营状态下的公司的经营状况。本文以海信科龙股份有限公司为切点,从企业并购的定义及国内企业并购风潮的背景谈起,介绍海信科龙并购的历程,探讨并购中遇到的主要问题及对策研究。企业并购并不仅仅是购买股份的协议,而是涉及到相对应的业务、人事、文化、资金、管理方式及发展策略等方面的过程,是一个系统长期的整合经历。本文借鉴国内外类似家电产业并购经验的基础,与国内家电企业并购其他例子如美的收购小天鹅、TCL收购汤姆逊等案例进行相互比较研究,进一步探讨解决并购过程中出现问题的策略。同时根据海信科龙并购后出现的现状结果,结合公司未来几年发展策略,对不断调整改进的公司的发展做出展望。国内外企业发展历程中,并购现象十分常见,并购成功持续发展的却寥寥无几,海信科龙股份有限公司应看中并购以来出现的问题,及时进行调整改善,才能使公司得到更好的发展,成为其他企业并购活动的参考学习对象。
ABSTRACT:Since the 21st century, in the global economy and China's reform and opening macro context, more and more domestic enterprises to the traditional organic growth mode can not be met, began to pursue mergers and acquisitions dominated by epitaxial growth. Mergers and acquisitions can either make good companies get better development, but also can improve in a bad state of the company's business operating conditions[19]. In this paper, Hisense Kelon Corporation as the cutoff point, from the definition of mergers and acquisitions and mergers and acquisitions of domestic enterprises in the background talking to introduce Hisense Kelon merger process, to explore the main problems encountered in mergers and acquisitions and Countermeasures .Mergers and acquisitions are not just buying shares agreement, and it comes to business, personnel, culture, finance, management and development strategies, etc., is a systematic long-term integration process. In this paper, similar appliance industry from home and abroad on the basis of experience in mergers and acquisitions, and mergers and acquisitions of domestic appliances another example - America's acquisition of Little Swan - a comparative study to further investigate the merger appears to solve the problem[20]. Hisense Kelon under both the current situation after the merger results, combined with the company's future development strategy for several years, constantly adjusting for improvements to make the company's development prospects. Course of development of domestic and foreign enterprises, mergers and acquisitions phenomenon is very common, mergers and acquisitions, there are few successful sustainable development, Hisense Kelon Corporation should fancy since the acquisition problems, timely adjustments to improve in order to achieve better development of the company, become a reference for other merger and acquisition activity learning objects.
Keywords: M&A; Hisence; Countermeasures