摘要:当今社会处在网络信息时代,无论是金融业、物流业,还是细化到企事业内部人力资源的管理,都离不开电子信息技术。传统的人力资源管理在对大量员工的个人信息,考勤情况,薪资情况的掌握和查询上显现出工作量大,效率低的问题,这不利于工作质量的改进和工作效率的提高,也不利于企事业单位的快速发展。所以,人力资源管理系统的建设意义重大。徐州供电公司人力资源管理系统实现了对员工的个人信息管理、查询;公司管理层对人事的管理,对招聘事务处理等方面的功能。本系统就是基于Active Server Page(动态服务器页面)平台与Microsoft SQL Server(数据库平台),开发一个能满足徐州市供电公司人力资源管理需求的系统,方便公司进行系统管理,人事管理,招聘管理,薪酬管理,培训管理,方便公司领导层对本公司员工的管理和调动,辅助公司决策。
关键词:asp;SQL server;人力资源
Abstract:Nowadays, the society is during the times of network information.whether the financial industry, logistics industry or other industries can in depend of the network. There are lots of problems on the deal with personnel information management ,work attendance management
and salary management .particularly the query work is in low efficiency. It is to the disadvantage of development of the institution .So, the human resources management system construction significance. Human resources management system in Xuzhou power supply company to achieve the query personnel information management, staff; management company management of personnel, the hiring of transaction processing function. This system is based on Active Server Page (active server pages) and Microsoft SQL Server (database), to develop a system to satisfy the requirement of human resource management of Xuzhou power supply company, convenient for system management, personnel management, recruitment management, training management, salary management, convenient and the leadership of the company for the company staff management and mobilize, auxiliary decision.
Keywords: Asp;SQL server;Human resource management