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[摘要] 随着2008年北京奥运会的成功举办, 我国的人们对体育的热情在慢慢提升, 但社区群众居民对体育的认识度有待提高。社区居民体育锻炼意识不好、社区体育场地匮乏以及社会指导人员的不足等因素是制约社区体育发展的重要因素。为此, 要有组织、有计划地开展好社区体育锻炼工作,就必须解决一系列社区居民体育锻炼所存在的问题。本文将以问卷调查、数据统计等方式深入反映南京市社区群众体育的开展现状,并且提出针对存在问题的解决方式。

[关键词] 南京市 社区体育 调查分析 现状 建议


[Abstract] With the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games success, it is the passion for sports is slowly improved, community awareness of the degree of sports needs to be improved. Poor community awareness of physical exercise, lack of community sports and social factors such as lack of mentors is an important restricting factor in the development of community sports. To this end, there must be organized, planned to carry out good work of community physical activity, we must address a range of community residents the problems of physical exercise. This paper will survey, in-depth statistics, etc. reflect the conduct of Nanjing community sports status, and proposed solutions for problems.

[Key words] Nanjing  Community Sports  Analysis  Status  Recommended