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摘要: 改革开放以来,我国各方面都取得了举世瞩目的成就,特别是新世纪我国经济发展水平持续保持高速增长,人民生活水平不断提高,旅游业的地位和作用不断凸显,旅游业成为我国经济发展的重要支柱之一。美丽的自然人文风景、古老文化与现代风貌的融合吸引大批的外国游客来我国旅游,构成了我国旅游业的重要组成部分。入境旅游的不断发展对我国旅游行业从业人员外语素质提出了新的要求。本文通过从旅行社和饭店两个方面分别介绍其要求和我国相关人员外语素质的水平,在总结前人优秀研究成果基础上,力求提出自己的建议和看法。

关键词 入境旅游 旅行社业 饭店业 外语素质要求 外语水平  标准化建设


Abstact  Since the reform and open policy, our country has made remarkable achievements in various aspects, especially the level of economic development continues growing since the new century. The level of people's living rises ceaselessly. The status and the importance of tourism industry are highlighted more and more. In China, the tourism industry becomes one of the important pillars of economic development. The beautiful natural & human landscapes, the ancient culture and modern charm of the cities attract large numbers of foreign visitors to China. It plays an important role in China's tourism industry. The development of the International tourism puts forward new requirements for the quality of our practitioners’ foreign languages. Through two aspects, travel agents and hotels, this article introduces their requirements and relevant level of foreign language quality. At the basis of predecessors' researches, I try to put forward my own suggestions and views.

Key words:    Inbound Tourism    Travel Industry  The requirements of Language quality   English Level Standardization of Language