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摘  要:傈僳族射弩是傈僳族同胞传统民族文化和精神的突出表现形式,从最初为了生计的狩猎开始,到现今作为一项民间强身健体的传统竞技体育活动,其发展过程就寓含着傈僳族人民的自强不息的精神、合理的价值取向,涉及傈僳族人民衣食住行等各方面,具有人类学、民族学、民俗学研究素材的特殊价值,已受到国内外专家学者的关注。本文通过文献资料法,观察法,问卷调查法和数据统计法等研究方法,对泸水县六库镇傈僳族聚居区民族传统体育项目射弩运动开展的调查研究,归纳总结调查过程中存在的问题进行分析,为民族传统体育项目射弩在泸水县六库镇傈僳族聚居区的开展提供理论参考。



ABSTRACT:Traditional ethnic sports penetrating crossbow is an outstanding form of traditional national culture and spirit for Lisu people.First in order to keep hunting and then becoming the traditional and folk sports activities to strengthen the body. Thus its process suggests the spirit of constantly strive to become stronger and reasonable value orientation of Lisu clan people. Involving basic necessities of life:clothing, food, shelter and means of traveling etc, it reflects the special value of anthropology, ethnology and folklore research materials and already has caused attention of domestic and foreign experts and scholars. This dissertation's main methods are documentation method,field investigation method, data statistics method and other research methods. It aims to research and investigate this traditional games in the compact community of Lisu people, which is located in the town of Liuku,Lushui County,  and to summary and analyze the existing problems.It may provides theoretical references for the development of this traditional ethnic sport in the town of Liuku,Lushui county.

Keywords: The town of liuku, Lisu people; Lisu communities;Penetrating crossbow; The Current Situation