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摘 要:“健康是人生第一大事!” 几乎成为都市人的一种共识, 花钱买健康, 抽空就锻炼也成为一些人生活中的必需。其中,中年女性由于有其社会特殊性和人到中年身体机能水平逐渐衰退的不可抗拒的自然规律,使其在中年这一年龄段的健康问题更为重要。如何延缓女性机能衰退,通过运动是否可改善中年体质水平,已成为全民健身计划中对中年女性健康状况研究重要内容之一。本文通过对个旧市中年女性进行水中健身操练习前后的身体指标测试,初步探讨水中健身操对女性身体形态和机能的影响,为更多的中年女性从事水中健身操锻炼提供科学依据。论文主要运用了观察法、访谈法和实验法,对水中健身操及其对中年女性身体形态和机能的积极影响进行探究,通过水中健身操的练习,达到改善中年女性身体形态,提高身体机能,促进身体健康的目的。本实验选取中年女性11名,年龄在40-50岁,进行为期十周,每周至少三次,每次45分钟的水中健身操锻炼,实验结果证明:(1)水中健身操的练习使中年妇女的体重指数BMI、体重、皮脂厚度及身体各围度都发生显著性下降。说明水中健身操的练习促使中年女性的身体形态得到良性的改变;(2)水中健身操的练习使中年女性的安静心率、血压显著性下降。说明中年女性的身体机能得以改善;(3)水中有氧健身运动较好的提高了中年女性的锻炼积极性,对中年女性的终身体育意识与行为有着深远的影响。



ABSTRACT:Most people have realized that to be healthy is the first thing in the life. It has been necessary to work out for better health. Since there are some social specialties and irresistible natural factors for middle aged women, healthy issues in this period has been became very important in recent years. How to delay women’s physical recessions and to improve the healthy standard through physical exercises has been an important research for middle-aged women under the nationwide fitness program. This article applies some advice on how the middle aged women do with the water aerobics through the comparison of setting-up exercise index test before and after exercise result of middle-aged women in GeJiu city. The article basically discuss about providing scientific ways of the water aerobics.By means of observation, interview, and experiment, the article discusses the positive effect for middle aged women taking the body building the water aerobics. By taking the exercise, middle aged women can keep good shape and the body building the water aerobics can enhance the physical function, and accordingly improve physical health.The experiment starts by selected 11 middle-aged women, on average of 40-50 years old, who are arranged to take the water aerobics in a period of ten weeks, three times at least a week, 45 minutes each time. The result turns out:(1) By taking water aerobics, middle-aged women’s weight, body mass index (BMI), girths and thickness of sebum have been dramatically decreased. Evidences prove that by taking water aerobics can improve positively middle-aged women’s body shape;(2) By taking the water aerobics, middle-aged women’s resting heart rate and blood pressure have been come down dramatically. That shows the physical functions of middle-aged women have been improved;(3),By taking the water aerobics, middle-aged women develop the motivation of physical exercise. It will put a profound effect on their long-life physical awareness and behave.

Keywords:  water aerobics; middle-aged women; body shape; function