一、课题任务与目的 Generally speaking, the ability of communication is a fundamental quality for achieving business goals. It is the intrinsic capacity for expressing ideas which pose the base for a successful deal. The process of economic globalization combined with China’s entrance into the WTO on 11 December 2001 has enormously widened China's international activities, making international business communication more frequent. Nowadays, people embedded in different cultures, customs and languages are more likely to be involved in business. In this context, due to the complexity and diversity of people, language, as a communication tool toward different countries, assumes a central role. Understanding and using the appropriate language is highly determinant for a business success. The primary ability, which allows the maximization of goals and minimizes language misunderstandings, is a strong pragmatic competence. This paper aims to show the effects of pragmatic failure on business communication, highlighting the approaches to avoid pragmatic failure during business activities with people from different backgrounds. According to the definition of pragmatic failures, this work focuses on the negative effects of pragmatic failures on the failures in business. Real cases are exposed and accurately analyzed. In conclusion, some pieces of advice on communication skills are given to businessmen involved in international businesses.
二、调研资料情况 随着国际流的日益广泛,外国,东方和西方在商务交流方面出现了前所未有的频繁,商务交流像一座跨越中西方商务的桥梁,跨文化商务往来从某种意义来说是通过语言交际来沟通的。任何语言都是某种文化的反映,有着深刻的社会内涵,文化是语言最重要的属性之一,两者局部交叉渗透。 Jenny Thomas 在 1983.就此给语用失误作了定义, ""不能理解所说词语的含义"". 这是由于 背景文化, 思维、个性、价值观等而造成的.如果不注意这些不同,另一方面又受到母语和母语文化的,中国涉外企业在商务往来中就极其容易产生文化迁移,导致英语语用失误,从而对涉外企业跨文化商务往来产生极大的负面影响。
三、初步设计方法与实施方案 定下选题范围,导师讲解论文总体流程 全面搜集资料,到国家图书馆等大型图书馆寻找相关的文献 找到详实的信息后,充分的阅读和理解资料内容,并做好记录卡 定下题目,写作范围,导师提供宝贵的意见并下任务书 对所选的材料进行筛选,摘录和整理 定下论文提纲,修改细节 拟写开题报告,征求导师意见 撰写论文初稿 导师审阅初稿,指出修改之处 修改初稿,反复斟酌字句 提交二稿,征求导师意见 导师审阅二稿,给予意见 修改论文,推敲各处细节 完成终稿,准备答辩
四、预期结果 论文将分为五个部分。第一部分介绍语用失误的定义及商务交流中的影响反重要性.第二部分就明语用失误可分为语用失误和社交语用失误。第四和第五部分是给予了实例证明了语用失误可引起的问题.最后作出总结,给予个人意见,如何避免在国际商务中可引起的语用失误. |