Abstract: With China's implementation of the reform and opening-up policy since 1978 and the rapid growth of economic and information globalization, the need for China to communicate with the outside world is becoming increasingly greater and more urgent. In the process of making China known to the outside world, Chinese-English translation of publicity materials plays an important role. To improve the quality and strengthen the effect of translation of publicity materials, a significant guiding principle is to approach translation from the perspective of intercultural communication.
The thesis analyzes the distinctive features, present situation and existing problems of Chinese-English translation of publicity materials. Meanwhile, on the basis of a comprehensive study of relevant modern Western translation studies which tend to emphasize the communicative effect and the transmission of culture in translation, probes into applicable principles, approaches and specific strategies for the translation of publicity materials. It aims at drawing the attention of publicity translators to the quality of publicity translation and the flexible adoptions of various translation strategies to enhance the acceptability of C-E translation of publicity materials on the part of foreign audience.
Key words: publicity materials; Chinese-English translation; error analysis
摘要: 自1978年我国实施改革开放以来,经济得到迅速发展。随着信息全球化趋势的加强,我国对外宣传工作愈加紧迫和重要。为了增进国际交流,对外宣传材料的汉英翻译扮演着非常重要的角色。为了提高外宣材料的翻译质量,增强对外宣传的效果,一项重要的指导原则就是从跨文化传播的角度来研究翻译。