Abstract:Since most prepositions are polysemous words, the English preposition teaching has always been a difficulty in teaching. The traditional method requires students learn prepositions and prepositions collocation by rote. Based on this situation, teachers should put forward a new method. This new method is applying family resemblance mode into teaching prepositions. All meanings of prepositions could be classified as prototypical meanings, sub-center meanings and boundary meanings. Sub-central meanings and boundary meanings are extracted from so many meanings according to the prototypical meaning. Family resemblance theory is considered as a good tool to handle the core meaning of a polysemous word and explain the relationships among different meanings.
This present paper starts from the perspective of cognitive linguistics, classifying the meanings of prepositions in certain prototype category according to family resemblance theory, and providing a new method for English prepositions teaching. Family resemblance theory gives guidance on preposition clarification and situation application so as to contribute to English teaching. This paper analyzes the significance of family resemblance to preposition teaching through enumeration method.
Key Words: family resemblance; preposition teaching; prototype theory;analysis